Two weeks ago to this day I was in New Orleans at
Pictage's PartnerCon. It was great to be back in NOLA though I had not visited since my mom lived there & lost most of her possessions due to Katrina. And honestly, I was a bit nervous going into the conference because I didn't know anyone. There were several people there that I knew their work & was really hoping to meet but was uncertain about how it was going to play out.
So... I arrive at my hotel room, unload a few things & head on over to the hotel & conference center for a 'mixer.' As soon as I walked in the lobby I noticed Melissa Jill; I have been following her blog/work for a few years. I thought to myself, "Are you kidding me? I was so hoping I would get to meet Melissa... of all the people I wanted to meet... now I'm all nervous... this is crazy! Why am I nervous? Dang! What's wrong with me, am I in 6th grade again? Ahhh, who cares, I am going to introduce myself... here goes!"
I walked over & introduced myself to Melissa & one of her roomies, Jennifer Keim. They were so warm as we briefly chatted & next thing you know, I am off to dinner with them! I was so thankful for that first evening; it welcomed me to what would be an incredible few days.
Now... the goal of this post is to introduce you to & highlight some of my new friends from New Orleans & share a few photos from my trip. I don't have pics of everyone as I was too busy learnin' but I managed to find a few.
Melissa Jill @melissajill: Melissa Jill Hester became such a good friend almost immediately. Beyond her photography, which we all know is amazing, she is wonderful & a great pleasure to be around. Prior, I was a big fan of her photography; now, I am a big fan of her person. We hung out throughout the week & I am so glad to have a new friend in Melissa. Despite my not knowing anyone at the conference, she said "you walk around here like you own this place!" My response, "uh, yeah I do!" Her stomping ground is the beautiful Phoenix, AZ.
Rhonda Danner @rhondadanner: Rhonda & I have so much in common given both our backgrounds in music & worship leading. She plays the guitar... yeah! We have a friendly competition brewing as to who can be the first to host Melissa Jill's 2-day workshop. Although I love Greenville, I am thinking that East TN is the perfect fit. Her work is based out of Greenville, SC. Rhonda snapped this pic as I was mimicking the mime; Lauren Dennard put me up to it & as I moved in close, the mime moved forward as though he would kiss me. I was sweatin.'

Jennifer Keim @jenniferkeim: I met Jennifer the first night in New Orleans & the rest is history. Jennifer made for great company as we roamed the streets of the French Quarter photographing everything that moved. We soon realized we both have two boys; she says it is the only way to go! Jennifer is based out of Marysville, WA.
Erin O'Neil @erinoneil: Erin approached PartnerCon after having run a 1/2 marathon a few days prior, which she attributes to a "momentary lapse of sanity." She was a pleasure to get to know & is quickly in route to defining her style as a photographer. Erin is also based out of Greenville, SC.
The Gotchers @ryangotcher, @denisegotcher: Ryan & Denise Gotcher are such a great couple to be around & are very sharp behind the lens. They are the dynamic duo behind Simply Knot Photography in the Phoenix, AZ region. They took me up on my suggestion that they must visit Preservation Hall for an evening of smooth jazz; apparently it was a big hit for them both! Yeah!
Cassie Jacklin @cassiejacklin: Located in the great land o' Canada is photographer Cassie Jacklin. Cassie was kind enough to let me join the table the first night at Emeril Lagasse's restaurant NOLA. I don't recall ever seeing her without a smile on her face.
Laura Parker @laura__parker &
Lauren Dennard (I'm still trying to get Lauren to Twitter!): Based out of the Dallas/Plano, TX region is Laura Parker Photography & Fairy Tale Photography. Laura is quite the busy lady, shooting along with Lauren Dennard, around 95 weddings a year. Wow! They were such a joy to be around & I loved getting to know them both. They are shooting a big wedding coming up for Melissa Rycroft from the Bachelor! That'll be fun... I'm slightly jealous!
Mary Margaret Chambliss: Mary Margaret is a fellow southerner based out of the close-to-home Birmingham, AL. We met one morning as we were walking to the conference from our hotels. Apparently, we were the only ones not staying at the hotel/conference center because we are in rebellion. She is super-cool & is launching her photography biz full-time after being a photographer for Southern Living.
Abbie Rufener: Abbie is such a sweetheart; her & her husband are currently calling Nashville home as he pursues studies at Vanderbilt. Yeah, he must be smart. Abbie had to leave the conference early due to being sick but I am for sure planning on meeting up with her family sometime in Nashville.
Alec Vanderboom @alecmv: I had to mention Alec although we only talked a few times briefly. I met Alec as we were going separate ways on the escalator & he yelled, "Ben Finch," & held out his hand for a big high-5. I enthusiastically responded with a high-5. Let me assure you that you will hear more of Alec in the future; his work is phenomenal & his modern/retro style is well-defined. I'm a big fan!
Shawn Reeder @shawnreeder: I only met Shawn briefly but his work, landscape especially, is too amazing not to show others. I found Shawn to be humble & inspiring. I've already talked to him about bringing our guitars next year & playing some blues in Jackson Square (he is quite a talented musician as well).
More to come... stay tuned as I have several more photog friends that you will want to meet & view their work. I will add some of my favorite images I was able to capture from NOLA. Thanks & enjoy!