Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jake & Loren's Wedding | Part 2 of 2


kay simmons said...

Well...brother Ben, you've done it again! I love the one of Jake and Loren in the field...very sweet...reflects their precious love for each other beautifully. I'll be looking forward to seeing the rest of the pics. Thanks for the appetizers!

Ashley Davis said...

I've been stalking your blog for a little while now, thought I'd leave a comment now.

Ben, your photography is amazing! You have such a good eye for it. I love the 2nd and 3rd photos, especially.

When planning my wedding, the photography was the most important part for me, as far as budget was concerned. People are choosing you for their weddings for a reason--they like your style and know you can capture the memories of their day for them.

Keep up the great work!

Donna said...

Hi Ben, you are too young to remember me but I went to school with your sister...I found you by way of Sherry Whittemore's blog...your photography is beautiful - love the picture of the dress...congrats on your success!

rhodes1 said...

Hey Ben! This is Sarah Rhodes. I've been looking at your photography and just love it! You're so talented. I was wondering if I could get some advice. I need to buy a camera to take pictures of my art, and pictures to paint from. I have no more experience with a camera than the average person, and only about $350 - $400 to spend. I want as nice a camera as I can afford, but also one that I'll be able to figure out pretty easily. Any ideas? Thanks!

Emilee Stanley said...

Hey Ben,

These look great! I personally think our church is a bit of a challenge to shoot at but you made it look fabulous!

Ben Finch said...

To Everyone!!!
Thanks so much for your kind comments! You sure know how to encourage a brotha'! Thank you!

I had little idea what kind of challenge the sanctuary would pose; it made me thankful for good camera equipment! Thanks for your comment!

Eric Atkins said...

You nailed it Ben. Great comp all around. Your photos will stand out against other wedding photographers. Great work, man.

stevenjared0853 said...

Oh my god! I just lost my breadth after seeing this post. It is dreamy and the photographer has done a fantastic work here. I might hire the same photographer for my wedding day which is by the end of this year in one of the finest NYC wedding venues. Congratulations to this good-looking couple.